7 DECEMBER - Ad ID: au7hhw75l
35 years Cairns

Discreet professional sensual massage and escorting services

About me

As a woman, seeking out a male escort can be an unfamiliar and daunting experience filled with anxiety and risk. Especially for the first time.

A typical first appointment may just be a massage, where we can talk and build a connection and I can make you feel comfortable and at ease.

Iam very respectful and understanding, you may wish to change your appointment a few times and that's completely fine and normal to be nervous.

You'll find the anticipation will make your experience even more enjoyable, and exciting.

My aim is to provide you with safe, thrilling and discreet fun, that you are in complete control of at all times.

Our time together is solely about you and your pleasure.

I'm available any time of the day or night. My prices start from $50 for a sensual massage, and $150 for full service which can include anything you please.

You can contact me through text or whatsapp

Contact me